A Directly Authorised advisory business – one adviser plus a strong support team of paraplanners and administrators.
Recurring income is currently at £315k achieved by servicing a portfolio of largely HNW clients spread geographically wide throughout the UK.
Most clients have an association with the adviser spanning c25 years.
Divorce, middle age and changing lifestyle aspirations have led to a re-appraisal of priorities. With other commercial interest outside of the Financial Services sector, the Principal of this profitable business has decided to grasp change.
Offered here is a portfolio of 50 active cases with c£40m FUM and a further £15m FUI offering a considerable latent commercial opportunity for an acquirer with a UK client servicing reach.
The vendor wishes for a “sell & go” scenario, however, will assist the acquirer to achieve an elegant an seamless client hand-over/integration acting in an ambassadorial rather than advisory capacity.
Market rate consideration of between 3-3.5 times recurring income is expected via a share sale.
Express Interest